Art World Industry News
AI WEIWEI: YOURS TRULY was profiled in ArtNet leading up to our London Premiere at the Raindance Film Festival:
“Ai Weiwei Documentary Traces His Early Life – A new documentary made by the curator of Ai Weiwei’s installation at Alcatraz gets its premiere in London. Directed by Cheryl Haines, Ai Weiwei: Yours Truly, will be screened at the Raindance Film Festival on September 28. The documentary, first shown in San Francisco, includes the Chinese artist and activist’s memories of internal exile as a child with with his poet father during the Cultural Revolution. It also includes interviews with Ai’s mother and brother, as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the process of making his monumental 2014 exhibition out of Lego bricks at Alcatraz. (Press release)”